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Guangdong develops industrial Internet to help build a strong province
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Guangzhou, March 22 (reporter Li Gang) this morning, the reporter learned from the press conference of Guangdong provincial government that in the next three years, Guangdong will promote 10000 industrial enterprises to use the industrial Internet to implement digital upgrading, drive 200000 enterprises to "go to the cloud platform", and build the industrial Internet into a new engine for the construction of Guangdong's manufacturing province.

On the same day, Guangdong officially released the implementation plan of deepening "Internet + advanced manufacturing industry" in Guangdong Province and several supporting policies of Guangdong Province to support enterprises to speed up the development of industrial Internet "on the cloud platform", focusing on supporting industrial enterprises to widely use industrial Internet technology to promote the development of industrial Internet platform, network, security construction and industry 。

Zhong xuanhui, Deputy Secretary General of Guangdong provincial government, introduced that industrial Internet, as a new thing generated by the integration of new generation network information technology and modern industry, is the key support to realize the connection of all factors, whole industrial chain and whole value chain in the field of production and manufacturing, the infrastructure for digitalization, networking and intelligence of industrial economy, and the powerful driving force for promoting the high-quality development of industrial economy 。

Therefore, based on the implementation of automation and information technology transformation in industrial enterprises, Guangdong Province will take the innovative application of industrial Internet as the upgraded version of a new round of technological transformation, and vigorously promote the "cloud platform" of industrial enterprises. From 2018 to 2020, Guangdong Province will focus on the cost reduction of enterprise information, improve efficiency, break the isolated island of enterprise internal information, and realize interconnection and intercommunication between enterprises The three goals of industrial chain and supply chain collaboration are achieved through connectivity, which will drive 200000 enterprises to "go to the cloud platform" and further reduce the cost of information construction.

At the same time, Guangdong will support leading manufacturing enterprises, information and communication enterprises, Internet enterprises, telecommunication operators, industrial Internet service providers, etc. to take the lead in accelerating the research and development of key technologies of platforms such as industrial big data system, industrial data modeling and analysis, industrial micro service framework, edge computing, artificial intelligent computing method library, development tools and component library, and in the process of funding and "one thing" The first discussion "convenience" and other aspects form a joint force of policies to support industrial ecological innovation.

Updated:2019-11-20 | Return
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