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Smart supply chain smart supply chain
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In the era of technological change sweeping the world, intelligent manufacturing has become the core of a new round of industrial revolution. It is the commanding point, breakthrough and main direction of innovation driven, transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry. Its goal is to realize the intelligence and innovation of the whole manufacturing value chain. In the era of intelligent manufacturing, the starting point of production and manufacturing activities is no longer the manufacturing enterprise, but the end-user. The whole value chain has changed from the past enterprise driven mode to the user driven mode. In order to meet more personalized user needs and truly realize intelligent manufacturing, in addition to developing intelligent products, applying intelligent equipment, building intelligent factories, practicing intelligent R & D, developing intelligent management and promoting intelligent services, manufacturing enterprises need to closely link equipment, production lines, factories, suppliers, products and customers, which is the supply of manufacturing enterprises Chain management puts forward higher requirements.

At present, China has become the world's second largest economy, one of the world's largest trading countries, and one of the important centers of global supply chain. The guiding opinions on actively promoting the innovation and application of supply chain issued by China points out that supply chain is an organizational form guided by customer demand, aiming at improving quality and efficiency, and integrating resources to achieve high-efficiency collaboration in the whole process of product design, procurement, production, sales and service. According to the opinions, by 2020, a number of new technologies and models for supply chain development suitable for China's national conditions will be formed, a smart supply chain system covering key industries in China will be basically formed, and about 100 leading global supply chain enterprises will be cultivated. China will become an important center for innovation and application of global supply chain.

Problems in supply chain management of traditional manufacturing enterprises

With the rapid development of Internet economy, the integration of global economy and the green and sustainable economy becoming a consensus, it can be said that the competition between enterprises has begun to transform into the competition between the supply chain and the supply chain in which the enterprises are located. To build an efficient, collaborative and agile supply chain is the key to the foothold of the manufacturing industry in the market competition, and the manufacturing enterprises must strengthen their efforts Work closely with suppliers, distributors and retailers to establish the supply chain integration from raw material procurement to product distribution, realize the whole process of information transparency, efficient collaboration and traceability, improve the rapid response ability of the whole supply chain, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. But for a long time, there is still a big gap between the supply chain management level of manufacturing enterprises in China and foreign advanced enterprises, facing various problems. The internal problems of enterprise supply chain management include:

■ data problems: inaccurate, untimely, opaque, unshared, and low data utilization. In the big data environment, enterprises need to have the ability to deal with imprecise data and improve the value of data utilization;

■ process problems: low efficiency, unreliability, unreasonable use of resources and non-standard, which have not met the requirements of the intelligent era;

■ management problems: lack of supply chain strategic thinking, insufficient cooperation among enterprises, low level of digitalization and intelligence of enterprises, imperfect and imprecise management system, etc.

Compared with internal problems, manufacturing enterprises also face external problems in the supply chain, including rising human and raw material costs, which cause great cost burden to manufacturing enterprises; increasing pressure on manufacturing enterprises from environmental protection and supply side reform; changes in customer demand, competitive formats and international market, which make many manufacturing enterprises tired of coping with, external problems will also stimulate enterprises Internal problems.

Intelligent supply chain: an important engine for enterprises to move towards intelligent manufacturing

With the procurement, production, storage, transportation, information transmission and other links in the traditional manufacturing supply chain activities tend to be intelligent, all links drive the supply chain to move towards a more intelligent direction, and the intelligent supply chain has become an important engine to promote the development of enterprises from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, and the supply chain begins to support enterprises to establish core competitiveness. Therefore, the construction of an intelligent supply chain system is of great significance for strategic decision-making and future planning.

From the perspective of the development of supply chain technology, it shows the characteristics of stage iteration. The development of supply chain can be divided into five stages: primary supply chain, responsive supply chain, reliable supply chain, flexible supply chain and intelligent supply chain.

In the primary stage of supply chain, enterprises usually arrange production and delivery according to budget, and there is no full-time supply chain department to coordinate production and marketing. With the development of enterprises, the supply chain responding to orders emerges at the right time. At this time, the supply chain pays attention to direct cost while considering customer interaction, and responds to customer orders quickly. However, there is also a lack of customer service in the supply chain at this stage Lack of stability; reliable supply chain is another stage of the development of supply chain, which emphasizes the coordination of planning and implementation, pays attention to the demand, service and satisfaction of terminal customers, comprehensively carries out demand forecast, production and marketing coordination and cross department cooperation; compared with reliable supply chain, flexible supply chain is actually a fully integrated supply chain within the enterprise, which is a type of supply chain strategy concerned The whole cost of supply chain, which advocates the supply chain capability of full collaboration, flexibility and lean across departments, is characterized by lean agility.

Updated:2019-11-26 | Return
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